1 Three Year Old + 1 Big Black Permanent Marker

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 10:21 PM

Sharpie.jpgTonight was an experience. My wife and I were upstairs talking in our office and it had been a while since we had seen our 2 kids (3 & 1.5). It was way to quite so we went out to look for them. We found them in the bonus room working on a little "art project". Our 3 year old had taken a large black Sharpie and decided to leave her mark on about 20 things in the bonus room. The door, the wall, the wall, the treadmill, the 32" television screen, some toys, the work out balls, my leather chair, and a number of other items. Besides being upset how does a permanent marker come off of things? Off to the internet. I found a blog that suggested these 8 things.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (also works for crayons),
Anti-bacterial hand gel,
Cooking spray,
Nail polish remover,
Bleach (depending on the surface),
Goof Off

We only had WD-40 and Nail polish remover. The WD-40 worked best and only took off the smooth surfaces. You have to go at it for a while and some of the marks did not come all the way off. The leather chair still has a faint mark on it and the walls we had to paint over. This was the first real toddler incident that we have had that I'm sure will be remembered for a long time. She knew she did something wrong but I don't think fully understood at first why it was so bad. After most everything came off and a few hours later it was a little funnier. The joy of kids.

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