Welcome Greg Oden!!!

Posted by Matt | Posted in , , | Posted on 9:38 PM


Living here in Portland there are a ton of expectations on Greg Oden. People jump on the band wagon really quick and they jump off really quick only to jump on the dog pile. It is really annoying. People just need to give him time to get into the NBA. Tonight was really his second game. He is a number one pick who was the pick of the decade to most people. Then he was hurt for all of last year then in the first 2 minutes of his first game he gets hurt again. He came back to play for the first time in Miami a few days ago and played tonight in New Orleans. He is now coming off the bench which is great in my opinion. In the Miami game he looked OK but still not in sync.

Tonight he looked great. He was a major defensive presence - patrolling the paint. He looked good running the floor - which he had not to this point. He was aggressive on the offensive end even though he did not get his number called much. He had a monster dunk off an inbounds play that was good to see. The main thing in my mind is that he seemed to feel comfortable for the first time ever on the court in the NBA. He was into the game and there was no center on New Orleans that could keep up with him. Here is what we have to look forward to in the future - a sky high block - this was awesome.

Need Something Like Mozy or MyPictureTown?

Posted by Matt | Posted in , | Posted on 8:00 AM


I have been looking for some time to find a program that would allow me to store photos online. In today's day and age if you lost a drive of photos it would be the equivalent of a fire in a house. I have a back up external drive of our photos but if the house burned down we would lose them. I have taken a drive out of the house but that is hard to remember. I have tried Mozy but it would not work on an external drive. If they could fix that it would be the way to go. I have started using My Picture Town by Nikon. It seems to be a good resource but it is taking forever to load all of our photos. It does have taking which is cool and it keeps them all online so that I can get to them anywhere. The price is very reasonable. I would expect with all the talk about Cloud Computing there will be a user friendly solution coming. If anyone knows of a tool that will work with a Mac or a PC - work with an external drive and constantly backup in increments for a low price please LET ME KNOW.

LinkedIn Events Is Good Idea - If People Will Use It

Posted by Matt | Posted in , | Posted on 1:04 PM


LinkedIn recently launched a new application called LinkedIn Events.  It is a cool concept but we will see if people use it.  So many people use LinkedIn but most of them - including myself - use it as a rolidex and not much more.  It will be interesting to see how they engage thier users to use some of these great applications that they are coming out with.  

Razorfish Report on Social Media is a must read - if this is your thing

Posted by Matt | Posted in | Posted on 7:37 PM


As I said in my last post my job at work is heavily involved in social media. I find the subject very fasinating and I am learning as much as I can as fast as I can. I cam across a report early last week - FEED - The Razorfish Consumer Experience Report. It is a very cool report that you should check out even if you never read a page. The graphics and the experience of the report is very cool. Every page is very engaging and has some writing. It is not heavy on the text but very heavy on keeping your attention. It covers all sorts of subjects such as mobile devices, how to design a customer experience - not just a web page, twitter, widgets, games and business, wisdom of the crowd, visualizing data, and more. If these subjects or cool graphics are not your thing you should check out how they present the report online - this is nothing new but it is one of the better applications of it I have seen. Good stuff.

Inc & Kevin Rose of Digg

Posted by Matt | Posted in , | Posted on 7:27 PM


I just read an interesting article I have been trying to get to on Digg in Inc. Magazine. It is a great article and gives a good insight to the future of user based interaction. It is amazing to me how many people are deeply involved in some of these sites. I twitter, Facebook, Digg, blog and a bunch of other things. My role at work is focused largely on social media and so I am learning more and more every day - yet it is hard to keep up with everything. This article is a great read for anyone who is interested in this topic because it shows that web start up culture type of company still exists and can be very successful in even hard times.