My blog has moved to

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 10:03 AM


If you were reading my blog here, the blog has now moved.  I have relocated the blog to  I am working on posting more regularly as there is a lot going on with me and I would like you get your opinions on them.  Please join me over there or you can click here to subscribe to the blog.    I am still experimenting on using Posterous for posting everyday pictures of things I find interesting, which seems to be what most people are using it for.   The content from has been imported to my new blog at and will be discontinued.  This blog is being moved because I am now using the squarespace platform which is much easier to design and use than blogger


Posted via email from Matt Hixson's Posterous

I am no longer an Ignite virgin

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 11:02 PM


 I had the chance to attend Ignite Portland tonight.  What is that?  I really didn’t know walking into the event but a friend of my @geekygirldawn suggested it a good event so I tried it out.  Here is the deal.  There were 19 speakers on random topics that were chosen by a selection committee.  I ran into Dawn on the way in and asked what I was in for.  This is the deal - each presenter gets 5 minutes to present 20 slides.  The slides automatically advance every 15 seconds.  There is no MC.  When the speaker is done the next one comes up.  That is it.  The topics are  very diverse and the skill really being demonstrated is storytelling.  It was a great event and I'm glad to have discovered it.  It was at the Bagdad Theater which was cool by itself.  The next one in Portland is on March 3rd.  They are held all over the nation so find the one near you and check it out.  Sorry for the blurry pics but that is what you get with an iPhone in the dark.  They are also posting the video from the event on the Ignite Portland site.

Posted via email from Matt Hixson's Posterous

Google Launches Google Chrome OS and Manages Not to Say Cloud

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 12:43 PM


Today Google launched a preview of the Google Chrome OS.  What is that exactly?  Watch the video below to get a better understanding.  One of the most impressive things was they did not say cloud in the entire 3+ minutes of this video.  They drew a cloud but they never said it.  I think they did a great job of talking about this in a light an humorous way that can speak to everyone with a base of technical knowledge.  It would have been so easy for them to talk overly technical about it – and use the hottest word in IT.  Cloud.  But they didn’t – nice work Google.    

Things are lining up for an even more epic battle between Microsoft and Google.  Between MS Windows and Google Chrome OS to MS SharePoint and Google Wave to Office and Google Docs.  I love competition – it brings the best products to the surface.  

Posted via email from Matt Hixson's Posterous

Kids + Creativity + Technology = Amazing

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 1:06 PM


I have been doing some work on some side projects lately.  One of these has been looking at how my kids schools can take advantage of the best assets they have which are the amazing Christian kids that go to that school.  I went over to YouTube for another project but I ran across this video by a 6th Grader for his science class.  The world has changed a ton since I was in 6th grade and the people running these schools need to get with it.  There are not just new technologies the paths of communication have radically changed.  This is a great example of if a teacher was aware of how to do some of these things it would greatly empower more kids to do amazing things.  I have found that new technology is scarry for people that don't understand what they are or how to use it properly.  I am working to change that in 2 small cases right now but I hope to free more people to do the same. 

Posted via email from Matt Hixson's Posterous

A New Approach to Balance

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 9:30 AM


Balance is a tough thing for me.  That is why I started thinking and talking about Complete Fulfillment (part 1 & part 2).  As the week gets into full swing I get engaged at work and come home to not enough time to assess what I need to do there.  For years I have read and used all sorts of organization and productivity books and tools such as Franklin Covey and GTD.  I have settled on GTD for the past 4-5 years and have spent that time trying to implement it – over and over and over.  What I am really doing is trying to over compensate for my low prudence.

When I can make myself do it the weekly review is a great level set for me.  I spent the 2 hours on Sunday reviewing all of the projects that I have taken on and where they are.  As usual, my appetite for things to do and reality are probably not in line but this week I am trying something new.  I have taken each section of Complete Fulfillment and tried to pick one achievable item to get done by next Sunday when I do my next weekly review.  I have tried to pick most of these outside of work so I will need to go back and make sure that work is actually doable so that I am focused on the right things when I am there but work never seems to be the area lacking attention.

I am taking this approach in an attempt to make sure that there are not parts of my life that are left behind.  We will see how the week goes – I am tired of writing posts about how poorly this concept has gone for me.  Time for some progress.

Posted via email from Matt Hixson's Posterous

I love social media

Posted by Matt | | Posted on 9:22 AM


It is interesting watching people talk about social media, the social web or whatever they choose to refer to it as.  There seems to be this constant displeasure pop up about people referring to themselves as “experts” by some of the same people that consider themselves experts.  I am not claiming to be an expert but I can say that I love this stuff.  The social interactions that applications like Facebook and Twitter create are not just neat new technology but game changing platforms.  

In the context of Complete Fulfillment I am writing about this because as I have realized that this gets me excited.  I don’t know exactly what that means for me going forward but I want to make it part of what I do at work.  I am convicted that this changes the way people operate and most people don’t understand it even remotely.  This leaves the ability for growth and change wide open for the masses.  I will find a way to make this part of what I do every day.  To this point it is most days but it can get pushed aside by other duties.  

I came across this video this week that I enjoyed and wanted to pass along.

Posted via email from Matt Hixson's Posterous